EMTEPH received Energy Efficiency Excellence (EEE) Awards
EMD Technologies Philippines Inc. (EMTEPH, EM Devices Groupe, Philippines Calamba, Laguna) received Energy Efficiency Excellence (EEE) Awards from the Department of Energy (DOE) of Philippines
On September 2021, the Department of Energy (DOE) of Philippines published Department Order No. DO 2021-09-0014 “Guidelines on Energy Efficiency Excellence Awards”. The Energy Efficiency Excellence (EEE) Awards recognize successful energy-related projects pursuant to Section 26 of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act with the aim to promote best practices in energy
EM Devices Group has been engaged in various energy saving activities in Japan and the Philippines, which produces relays for automobiles.
Mr. Albert Revilla, Department Manager, Maintenance Division of EMTEPH, worked on various activities such as LED lighting, energy saving of resin dryer, energy saving of chiller (cooling water circulation device). In recognition of his achievements, he received the 1st Energy Efficiency Excellence Award (EEE Award).
EM Device Group will continue to reduce CO2 and save energy.