Establishment of the next-generation EV relay development base within Tohoku University
We are pleased to announce that EM Devices Corporation has established NEXEM Advanced Technology Center as a base for accelerating research and development of EV-related products. This Technology Center will be established within the Material Solutions Center of the Industry-Academia Collaboration at Tohoku University to promote joint research through industry-academia collaboration and to further strengthen competitiveness.
More than 80% of the power relays for automobile electrical equipment that we produce are sold overseas. Electric vehicles (EV) are expanding overseas, mainly in China, Europe and the United States, and the market for EV-related products is expected to expand rapidly. In September 2022, we also concluded a joint research agreement with Specially Appointed Professor Hideaki Sone of the Organization for Innovations in Data Synergy TOHOKU University in order to develop relays for next-generation EVs. To further increase the speed of development, we have decided to open a new development base “NEXEM Advanced Technology Center” within MaSC (Material Solutions Center).
At our Technology Center, we analyze electrical contact arc discharge phenomena, analyze contact dynamics, and contact stability during current flow, and analyze electromagnetic relays that support high voltage and high current, for which demand is expected to increase in the rapidly developing EV-related market. We will conduct research and aim for the practical application of lighter and higher performance relays, and will carry out activities that take ESG into consideration.
The opening ceremony of the Technology Center was held on December 21, 2022 at Tohoku University’s Kitamon Commons Espace. At the opening ceremony, we invited people related to Tohoku University, as well as our suppliers and distributors, who then toured the NEXEM Advanced Technology Center.
We plan to announce and sell next-generation high-voltage, high-current relays to the world in April 2025, utilizing the R&D results of our Technology Center.

(Overview of the new development base)
Name: NEXEM Advanced Technology Center
Area: 148㎡
Tohoku University was founded in 1907 as the third imperial university in Japan. Tohoku University value the tradition of “research first” and “respect for practical learning”, and this tradition is reflected in the fact that in 2007 we ranked number one in Japan in terms of the number of published patents by university.